3D Is Not For Me

In a recently released movie, a romance turns out to be a love triangle that ends up in a fight scene so violent that the cops, paramedics and local sheriffs get called in. If I tell you that all of the players are midgets, a bunch of you will recognize this scene as one of the best parts of Jackass 3D, which opened recently to huge box office. It turns out that Johnny Knoxville and his friends really know how to tell a story when they want to. And it is hilarious.

What the Jackass team really don’t need, (despite the quote from Knoxville and crew that “3D was made for Jackass”) is 3-D. It just doesn’t add to the movie. In fact, I’m hard pressed to think of a movie yet where the 3-D experience really added any value. I think the “Polar Express” and “Despicable Me” did a reasonably good job with 3-D, but both of those animated movies also had great stories and a great (animated) cast.

I love technology, so don’t assume I’m just against funny glasses or new ideas. I just have yet to see any 3-D movie that was improved by the technology. In fact, during Jackass 3-D, I took my glasses off several times to see if the screen might be any clearer without the glasses. I think 3-D might be the anti-HD technology. I’m so used to seeing action movies and sports on the HD tv set at home, I guess I’m spoiled.

In conclusion – focus on great stories and I will keep going to the movies – even if your story involves launching a full port-a-potty 100 feet in the air. And give us a clear picture so we can actually see what is going on. Technology for technology’s sake is never the answer.


Oh yeah, here’s a clip:

Hi Five, get it?  Yes I’m a little kid inside.

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